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Beyond They/Them/Theirs: What Nonbinary Clients Want You To Know as Their Mental Health Provider
Greetings from Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC (3:27)
What We'll Be Covering in This Course (2:17)
Lesson 1: The Competency Conversation
Lesson 1: Introduction (0:43)
Lesson 1.1: Your Current Nonbinary Competency (6:19)
Lesson 1.2: Skills & Strengths Assessment (4:37)
Lesson 2: Peering Beneath the Nonbinary Umbrella
Lesson 2: Introduction (4:38)
Lesson 2.1: Defining the Term "Nonbinary" (5:15)
Lesson 2.2: Nonbinary Gender Identities (9:39)
Lesson 2.3: Nonbinary Gender Expression (6:52)
The Nonbinary Umbrella: How to Navigate this With Your Clients (4:23)
Lesson 3: Using Nonbinary Affirming Language
Lesson 3: Introduction (1:10)
Lesson 3.1: Pronouns (7:27)
Pronouns: How to Navigate this With Your Clients (8:18)
Lesson 3.2: Name Usage (5:26)
Lesson 3.3: Binary Gendered Language (8:52)
Binary Gendered Language: How to Navigate this With Your Clients (1:46)
Lesson 4: Nonbinary Transition Options
Lesson 4: Introduction (2:15)
Lesson 4.1: Defining “Transition” (2:53)
Lesson 4.2: Nonbinary Transition (5:30)
Lesson 4.3: Gender Dysphoria (8:30)
Nonbinary Transition: How to Navigate this With Your Clients (3:14)
Lesson 5: Navigating Microaggressions
Lesson 5: Introduction (1:06)
Lesson 5.1: What are Microaggressions? (6:29)
Lesson 5.2: Recognition of & Recovery from Microaggressions (5:50)
Lesson 5.3: Preventing Microaggressions (4:27)
You Completed the Course!
Summary of What You've Learned (3:13)
Nonbinary Positivity (3:08)
Rank Your Competency: Reassess! (1:03)
What’s Next?: Resources & Support (3:59)
Farewell Message from Dara (1:15)
Lesson 3.3: Binary Gendered Language
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